Musa Ilham Ardiansyah and Fortiusa Damha from Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) won at PADC 2022 through their work entitled "IKIRU"
2nd Place - PADC931
Kevin Chandra Bulyono and Danny Ramdhani from Bina Nusantara University (Binus University) got 2nd place in PADC 2022 through their work with the warm-minimalism concept.
3rd Place - PADC179
Ellen Manthovani and Kelvin from the University of North Sumatra (USU) received the 3rd Place PADC 2022 through their work entitled "C.E.O Safe House"
Finalist - PADC644
Regina Magdalena and Arya Putra from Bandung Institute of Technology became finalists through their work entitled "Change Flows Through Us"
Finalist - PADC140
Akhmad Faza Amaanullah and Bonaventura Rah Abisca from Architecture Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember became finalists through their work entitled "Rekasa"